Queen of Swords - The Hanged Man (ep16 - part 1)
Queen of Swords - The Hanged Man (ep16 - part 2)
Queen of Swords - The Hanged Man (ep16 - part 3)
Queen of Swords - The Hanged Man (ep16 - part 4)
Queen of Swords - The Hanged Man (ep16 - part 5)
Queen of Swords - The Return (ep17 - part1)
Queen of Swords - The Return (ep17 - part2)
Queen of Swords - The Return (ep17 - part3)
Queen of Swords - The Return (ep17 - part4
Queen of Swords - The Return (ep17 - part5)
Episodes 16 and 17, of Queen of Swords were uploaded in 5 parts each.
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